Friday, May 31, 2013

Shit of the day? Yes, fecal transplants as a magic cure!

Original story about fecal transplants is here. And some thoughts and conclusions:

There are lots and lots of questions about fecal transplants. We’re just coming to grips with the gut microbiome’s impact on health and disease, and we know so little about what is actually in that magical brown pellet (which is about 55% bacteria, in case you were wondering.) Does a donor have to be matched to the patient, or is any healthy stool good enough? Do some patients respond to the treatment and others don’t – maybe in a predictable way? Does the sample need to be fresh, and if not, what is the best way to store it? Can poop be replaced entirely by a synthetic, probiotic concoction? Are there legions of failed FMT patients who are too disappointed, or embarrassed, to publish negative results?

18+ (The video should be censored!)

Masterpiece of the viscosity

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Targeted failed approach: ask Captain Obvious

The claim about drug side effects is based on computer models. These models indicate that numbers of ‘unique pockets’ in the body, which are sites where small molecule pharmaceutical compounds can bind to proteins, are surprisingly small. This means that it is virtually impossible to design a drug aimed at treating one area of the body in a way that the drug will never have any intended side effects on another part of the body.
This does not mean that every drug taken will have a side effect, because the effect of the drug in an unintended area may not be felt or it will not have any activity.
The research was conducted at the Georgia Institute of Technology. The researchers concluded that there may be no more than about 500 unique protein pocket configurations that serve as binding sites for medicines. Therefore the likelihood that a molecule intended for one protein target will also bind with an unintended target is strong.
It is not all bad news for drug developers can learn something from the research. To counter the impact of unintended effects, drug developers will need to know more about the available pockets so they can avoid affecting binding locations that are also located on certain proteins and try and minimise the side effects.

A new study can show anything

From here:

Another magic cure agains cancer. Post No 45. A gun

Monday, May 27, 2013

Liver transplantation: a rocket science

Liver transplantation is now performed at over one hundred centers in the USA, as well as numerous centres in Europe and elsewhere. One-year patient survival is 80–85%, and outcomes continue to improve, although liver transplantation remains a formidable procedure with frequent complications.

Currently more than 6,000 liver transplants are performed each year in the United States. Liver transplant surgery usually takes between four and twelve hours. Most patients stay in the hospital for up to three weeks after surgery.

If you are not a part of the solution

Masterpiece of demographic weapon

Friday, May 24, 2013

Targeted failure of the week. Post No 73. Preladenant

Merck & Co has ended development of preladenant, an experimental drug for Parkinson's disease, after initial data from three late-stage trials proved disappointing.

New Jersey-based Merck said the decision to discontinue the studies was not based on any safety findings.
"Parkinson's disease is very complex, making it difficult to treat patients and develop novel therapeutic approaches," David Michelson, vice president, clinical research, Neuroscience and Ophthalmology at Merck Research Laboratories, said in a statement.

Really? What disease is less complex???

Masterpiece of being realist - to see problems...

TACE - rocket science?


And here is the rocket science:

La Résistance française. It looks like proud heroic revolt!


Thursday, May 23, 2013

Masterpice of the life - to become a farther!

12 открытий, которые ты сделаешь, став отцом ...
1. Квартира смертельно опасна
Все предметы, лежащие ниже уровня твоего пояса, будут либо уничтожены, либо использованы для нанесения увечий. 90% твоих дел по "воспитанию" дитя - это попытки спасти его от травмы.

2. Сон - новая эротическая фантазия
Восемь беспробудных часов - это прекраснее, чем принять ванну с Верой Брежневой. По крайней мере, на сон у тебя еще есть силы.

3. У тебя неприятный характер
Ты узнаешь себя в его капризах, в его упорстве, в его вредности. Похоже на маленькое кривое зеркало. Заодно поймешь, какой занозой в заднице ты был для своих предков.

4. Зато ты станешь идеалом для дочери
Именно ты сформируешь ее вкус к мужчинам. Постарайся соответствовать, если хочешь, чтобы у тебя со временем появился приличный зять.

5. Не все зависит от тебя
Когда ты в первый раз уронишь ребенка головой об пол (не "если", а именно "когда"), ты будешь молиться, чтобы все закончилось хорошо. Даже если не знаешь ни одной молитвы и никогда ни в кого не верил.

6. Ты - "плохой" следователь
К двум годам ребенок научится манипулировать твоей женой, как Путин вертит Думой. Если не хочешь жить с маленьким диктатором, тебе самому придется командовать, наказывать и 50 раз на дню говорить слово "нет". Неприятная роль, но кто-то должен это делать.

7. Свободное время - когда он спит
Ребенок - работодатель, не знающий Трудового кодекса. Выходных для него не существует.

8. Маленький - не значит тихий
Пусть он весит шесть кило - расстроившись, он мастерски воспроизводит звучание звена Су-35 в режиме атаки. Да, некоторые еще во сне храпят. Басом.

9. Хороший мультфильм можно посмотреть 50 раз.

10. Ты мог бы вести переговоры с террористами
"Он не хочет на улицу. Нет, он хочет на улицу. Нет, эти перчатки не подходят. Нет, он не будет просовывать ручку в рукавчик. Нет, он все же не хочет на улицу. Это - моя игрушка, хоть она и чужая..." Все переговоры - мягким голосом, с улыбкой и уменьшительно-ласкательными суффиксами.

11. Счастье есть
Ребенок не только сам искренне переживает все происходящее, но и тебя заставляет испытывать очень острые радость, нежность, умиление. Каким бы циником ты ни был, от многих его поступков и фраз тебе придется вытирать слезы умиления. И нечего тут стесняться.

12. Ты лошадка, и-го-го.

Liberalism as shit of the politics

В класс приходит новый учитель:
- Меня зовут Александр Иванович, я - либерал. Дети, по очереди представляйтесь так же, как и я.
- Меня зовут Маша, я - либералка.
- Меня зовут Вася, я - либерал.
- Меня зовут Катя, я - либералка.
- Меня зовут Петя, я - либерал.
- Меня зовут Вовочка, я - националист.
- Вовочка, почему ты - националист?!!
- Моя мама - националистка, мой папа - националист и друзья тоже националисты.
- Вовочка, а что если твоя мама - проститутка, твой папа - наркоман, а друзья - геи, кем бы ты был тогда?
- Тогда я был бы либералом.

A.I.Fursov. Healthy dose of conspirology

Video is here:!

Sunday, May 19, 2013

Masterpiece of the victory

Свежие демотиваторы (16.05.2013)

Music of the week. Dream on?

Quote of the day. Tesla

Современные учёные мыслят глубоко вместо того, чтобы мыслить ясно.
Чтобы мыслить ясно, нужно обладать здравым рассудком,
а мыслить глубоко можно и будучи совершенно сумасшедшим.

Никола Тесла

Saturday, May 18, 2013

First - Big Pharma, then - lawyers

Big Pharma'a shit:
Cynical truth why Big Pharma promotes its shit

Black-white? No...

Quote of the day. Pelevin

"Любая либеральная экономическая реформа в России имеет своим предельным конечным результатом появление нового сверхбогатого еврея в Лондоне." Пелевин.

Music of the week. Precious

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Spy story and Syria... Game is over? Have to check in the future!

Radium-223. Story of success.

Bayer AG and Algeta ASA won U.S. approval for their drug to treat an advanced form of prostate cancer that doesn’t respond to the standard testosterone-lowering treatments.
The Food and Drug Administration cleared the medicine more than three months early for patients whose disease has spread to their bones, the agency said in a statement today. The drug, Xofigo, is designed treat the secondary cancer that has settled in the bones. Prostate cancer is the most common cancer among men after skin cancer, according to the American Cancer Society.
The injection, also known as radium-223, has similar properties to calcium and is drawn to bones, Oslo-based Algeta said on its website. The injection may generate $802 million in sales in 2017, according to the average of six analysts’estimates compiled by Bloomberg.
“Xofigo binds with minerals in the bone to deliver radiation directly to bone tumors, limiting the damage to the surrounding normal tissues,” Richard Pazdur, director of the FDA’s Office of Hematology and Oncology Products, said in the statement. “Xofigo is the second prostate cancer drug approved by the FDA in the past year that demonstrates an ability to extend the survival of men with metastatic prostate cancer.”

This drug looks like real targeted medicine. Just one question is unclear for me: how this drug will be distributed?

Quote of the day. Lenin is alive

Masterpiece of the day.


Monday, May 13, 2013


Shit of the day. Ethics of Big Pharma

Leading Western pharmaceutical companies paid millions of pounds to former Communist East Germany to use more that 50,000 patients in state-run hospitals as unwitting guinea pigs for drug tests in which several people died, it was revealed today.
An investigation by the German magazine Der Spiegel said international conglomerates such as Bayer, Hoechst, Roche, Schering and Sandoz carried out more than 600 tests on patients, mostly without their knowledge, at hospitals and clinics in the former Communist state.
The companies were said to have paid the regime the equivalent of €400,000 (£338,000) per test. Schering, a concern which now belongs to Bayer, was said to have offered East Germany the equivalent of €3m to carry out a series of tests at an East Berlin hospital. 

Fake of the day. Sex herbal supplements

Herbal (!) supplements aimed at improving men's sexual abilities often contain the active ingredients in erectile dysfunction pills such as Viagra, according to a new study.

Additionally, researchers found that some of these over-the-counter herbal remedies contained more of the ingredient than is allowed in prescription-only pharmaceuticals.

Saturday, May 11, 2013


Must read:


Targeted failure of the week. Posts No 69 and 70. Enzastaurin and PX-866

Eli Lilly and Co. (NYSE:LLY) discontinued development of enzastaurin (LY31765) after top-line data showed daily enzastaurin missed the primary endpoint of improving disease-free survival (DFS) vs. placebo in the Phase III PRELUDE trial to treat relapsed or refractory diffuse large B cell lymphoma (DLBCL). The trial enrolled 758 patients who achieved a complete response or unconfirmed complete response to R-CHOP chemotherapy and were at high risk of relapse. Enzastaurin is a synthetic protein kinase B (PKB; Akt) and protein kinase C (PKC) beta inhibitor.
Oncothyreon Inc. (NASDAQ:ONTY) disclosed in its 1Q13 earnings late Thursday that once-daily oral PX-866 plus docetaxel missed the primary endpoint of improving progression-free survival (PFS) vs. docetaxel alone in a cohort of patients with non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) in the open-label Phase II portion of a Phase I/II trial to treat advanced metastatic solid tumors. Patients were on as second- or third-line chemotherapy. Oncothyreon expects data later this year from a separate cohort of patients with locally advanced, recurrent or metastatic squamous cell carcinoma of the head and neck (SCCHN) after failure of prior therapy. PX-866, an oral phosphoinositide 3-kinase (PI3K) inhibitor.

Another magic cure against cancer. Post No 44. Kevetrin

Masterpiece of BS from here.
Just a couple of quotes:
The next generation of cancer treatment has arrived.
Enter Cellceutix Corporation  and its revolutionary and truly unique cancer drug, Kevetrin.
The brilliance of Kevetrin's genetic structure lies in its ability to repair and reactivate one very powerful and multifaceted gene, the "Guardian Angel" P53 gene
... using Kevetrin to activate our body's P53 fighter shows impressive or even plain jaw dropping results against every cancer line tested.
Do you still have any question? The caner is finally cured