Thursday, November 21, 2013

Pharmaceutical innovations. Disaster. The numbers

Big Pharma is not interested in innovations (my earlier prove is here). Here is a nice articles which proves this theorem by numbers. Nice reading, a lot of numbers and figures. Highly recommended!

A quote:

Surprisingly, nothing that companies have done in the past 60 years has affected their rates of new-drug production: whether large or small, focused on small molecules or biologics, operating in the twenty-first century or in the 1950s, companies have produced NMEs at steady rates, usually well below one per year. This characteristic raises questions about the sustainability of the industry’s R&D model, as costs per NME have soared into billions of dollars. It also challenges the rationale for major mergers and acquisitions (M&A), as none has had a detectable
effect on new-drug output. Finally, it suggests that drug companies need to be bolder in redesigning their research organizations if they are to escape the increasing pressures created by linear new-drug output and rapidly rising R&D COSTs.




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